I want to discuss with you how to launch a digital marketing business on a tight budget. No training and no experience. Without taking any of these courses, you may simply go from having nothing to making $10,000 per month. But in reality, you may earn $10,000 each month without enrolling in one of these pricey courses.
Being paid was one of my main worries when I first started out. Since many of your initial clients are people you know or someone you know, I bring them on as a client and then they don’t get results for that person. Since they are aware, you don’t want to appear foolish in front of these first few clients.
So, I want to show you some proven ways right here in this blog of how to get guaranteed results even if you have no experience, no money, and you don’t really know the best place to get started. Those guys who are brand new here. Maybe just stumbling upon my channel just a little background on myself
I therefore want to walk you through my beginnings back then, step by step. How I satisfy client requests for how you can be sure of success and results.
Let me talk about some of the free ways to actually go and get your first clients, and then if you guys stick with me. So, let’s first cover three easy ways to get your first client for free.
Currently, the first thing I prefer to do is simply browse Facebook and post to connect with friends, which is what I did when I first started. Let’s take the example of working in real estate, for instance. I’m in the real estate sector, but like I mentioned, this is applicable to any industry. I go through and announce that I’m creating a marketing company in a Facebook post. Do you work as a real estate agent or does anybody you know? The next thing that will happen is that you will start to receive comments and likes. Perhaps people are tagging others who are real estate agents. The great thing is that you can do this on LinkedIn as well because individuals who follow you on Facebook or are friends with you there. Since LinkedIn is more business-oriented, they will likely be whole different people, so you could use the same exact tactic on all of those platforms.
The second thing I would do is to begin browsing and signing up for Facebook groups and LinkedIn groups. LinkedIn groups that contain your intended target market can be joined. So if it’s dentists, for instance, start by joining some dental groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. Don’t enter the group and spam once you’ve been accepted. No one’s going to like that. So, start adding those people as friends inside of the Facebook group as well as inside of the LinkedIn groups, and the reason why you want to do this is because when you eventually make a post on your personal profile. They will see your post and they will be your perfect customer.
When people read your blogs on past client successes or other relevant topics, they’ll begin to understand who you are, what you do, and how you can genuinely assist them. Just a brief reminder: refrain from adding every single member of the group because Facebook will likely prohibit you if you do. It would be better to add about 15 to 20 persons daily. And yes
But these are free ways to go through and get your first clients in the beginning when you’re first getting started with your digital marketing.
You’re going to need to go through and invest your time. Instead of your money because usually you don’t have the money to go through. So, you invest your time and then you get to a point where you’re making money so you can invest that money and scale things more and more to bring on more clients and scale your monthly revenue.
If you work with dentists, try searching for “dentists near me” or “dentists in whatever city you’re located in,” and pay attention to the advertisements that appear at the top. That indicates that they have accepted the idea of going through and marketing their company, which suggests that they most likely have a successful company.
You should look through and see who is advertising so that they can truly invest money in it. You can click the advertisement to visit the company’s website, get in touch with them, and ask if you can assist them with their advertising on Facebook or Instagram.
These are excellent prospects to research and get in touch with to promote your services. I’d like to give two more free strategies for reaching out to potential clients. and then I want to show you how to successfully run ad campaigns for these clients and guarantee that you get results.
You guys can tell that I’m super passionate about YouTube. I love YouTube and the great thing about it is you can go through and post a video on YouTube. A post you publish on Facebook or Instagram kind of disappears after 24 to 48 hours, but a video you upload to YouTube can be seen by someone searching for a particular phrase months or even years from now. On YouTube, I have videos that I posted literally more than two years ago that continue to receive hundreds or even thousands of views each month. New leads every single day from these videos that I post several months ago and even several years ago. So, running ads for mortgage brokers to help them generate leads for their business and check out all of the comments.
I’m here to help you guys just drop a comment down below if you found this blog helpful.
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