The Invert effect is a quick way to make changes to your video. This is especially useful if you want to change the colours of a shot or isolate and remove elements from the scene. When using this effect, there are numerous options available, so let’s take a look at how we can use it in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Because Adobe Premiere Pro is the industry standard video editor for professionals, it can be intimidating and confusing for beginners. However, with time and patience, you can master this robust programme! One excellent method is to use our invert effect tutorial.
How to Make an Invert Effect in Adobe Premiere Pro
The invert effect flips all of the colours in a clip, so white turns black and black turns white. You can use it to make something more legible on a predominantly dark background or as an interesting stylistic choice.
While the exact result of the invert effect will vary depending on the appearance of the clip, it’s useful to know that you can always customise it by adjusting the opacity and other options.
Let’s look at how we can use this effect to help you understand how it works!
Step 1: Launch Adobe Premiere Pro and open a clip. The first step is to launch Adobe Premiere Pro and open your clip. You can do this by going to File> Import and selecting the desired file.
Step 2: Examine the effect options – After opening the clip, go to the Effects > Video Effects > Channel > Invert drop-down menu. We have several options, including Channel and Blend With Original.
Step 3: Fine-tune the blend – You can choose the level of blending with the original that works best for you, but a setting in the 30 – 40% range is usually the most effective.
Step 4: Adjust the Channel – The channel controls which values in your image are inverted. You can experiment with different settings to achieve the best results.
Step 5: Experiment with the shape – This is a good time to experiment with the shape of the invert effect. You can make a mask with the elipse, rectangle, or pen tools found in the Effects Controls of the Invert effect.
Editing Tips
Don’t worry if you’re having trouble getting the invert effect to work properly on your clip. It’s not a difficult effect to use, and if you run into trouble, don’t be afraid to try it again with another clip in Adobe Premiere Pro. This allows you to quickly determine the source of the problem. There are also numerous plugins available for Premiere Pro.
It’s critical to understand that the invert effect is spatial, which means you can use the entire clip as a source with it.
If you want to further customise your video, try using the mask option instead. Then, concentrate your editing on the specific area where you want to change the colours, and you’ll be able to make changes in seconds!
How Do I Flip the Colors in a Video?
When you want to invert the colours of a video, there are a few options. The invert effect is the simplest method. This will reverse the colours in your video, turning black into white and vice versa. On a dark background, this common technique makes the text easier to read.
If you need to remove the blue hue from your video, you can use the colour balance effect. This is not a permanent solution and should only be used when the blue colour cast has a negative impact on the content of your video (for example, if it makes skin tones look off).
Masks can be used to further customise the invert effect. To accomplish this, apply masks to your clip – for example, black-and-white masks that make a section of your footage appear as if it were a negative image – and then apply the inverted effect over those custom masks.
This is useful if you only need to invert a portion of your video, such as a logo or text. Colors can also be switched using the “Levels” effect. This is a more advanced technique in which you can change the intensity of each colour.
How Do You Make a Negative Video?
The invert effect in Adobe Premiere Pro is the simplest way to create a negative video. Select the clip to be inverted and then click Effects in the top toolbar. Following that, go to Video Effects > Invert and drag it onto your video.
Your video will be negative after you apply the invert effect. It will, however, look bad because it will be too dark and grainy. You can fix this by using the Levels effect to increase the brightness of your clip.
When used correctly, negative contrast can be used as part of a film noir-style look and can be an interesting stylistic choice. When using a negative effect, keep in mind that it is often necessary to pair it with another stylistic choice, such as black and white or sepia tones. Negative contrast on its own will make your video look washed out and bland.
You can also use Adobe Premiere Pro’s colour balance effect to create a video negative.
With so many colour options available, you might want to consider using more than one. Whether you use the invert effect alone, in conjunction with the colour balance effect, or to change the hue of your clip, it’s critical to understand how these effects will affect your final product before using them.